Is there any invesment that ready to offer return till unlimited? Forex can conduct it!
2. High Liquidition.
This means, you always can buy or sell currency that will operated and there is no term fails surender here. When you conduct action buys, always there is other party that will sell it to you and conversely. This happened because scope of forex invesment is world stock which linked each other. Differ from local stock where transaction only takes place at stock referred so it’s can happen event fails surender.
3. Required small capital.
Former capital that required can be very big (reach $ 10000). Now capital that required $ 500 only. Compare to other invesment for example share that require capital at least $ 2000 or real sector invesment that usually more than $ 5000
4. Hour trading 24 hours one day and 5 days a week.
There is no night word or daytime in the world of forex trading. Market takes place for 24 hours one day started from Asia market till Europe market and America. Compare to Saham that only open at office hours or commodity market that only open morning till daytime. If you white colars a worker, You can transact forex trading nocturnal and not bother your office hours.
5. Wherever, whenever, any time and whoever can join.
Correct, invesment do not know caste. Also with forex trading. Whoever you are, merchant, worker, household a mother or even a farmer once even also can join. And more excitement its next with progress of internet world, You can trade where just without having to go to pertinent stock or telephone your dealer directly. This clear economize yaour time and expense!
6. Investor acts active in its invesment.
No like other invesment where investor shall only entrust its fund is managed third party. Now your invesment bases on yourself by it self and is not to others.
7. Price real time that can be accessed all the times in free. We feel this already enough, needn’t explained [again]. Altogether free of charge.
8. Available demonstration account with free of charge. If you novice in the world of forex, this will very help you because price that gauged at demonstration account is equal to truthfully price happens in market.
9. Leverage that offered 1:100.
This that means with one part that you release, You can buy or sell 100 parts. This is excess from margin trading where that required is only just guarantee to buy or sell goods required. At this forex trading implemented with capital as big as $100 then you can buy Dollar counted $10.000 and also on the contrary for sell action. High Leverage and low margin basically can enlarge advantage or on the contrary your loss. That is you must consider your invesment risk and your invesment plan.
10. Online reporting and transaction.
Former forex trading are conducted by telephone and report of your transaction result will be sent pass by email or even post per month. But now by internet access, your transaction report can be accessed without having to await on one’s part tycoon report it to you.
11. Security and secretness are guaranteed.
Though transaction is conducted pass by internet is not means security and information secretness and your fund are not guaranteed.
Thus now we return to you to consider it objectively and accomodate it with a purpose to your invesment.